Difference between being an empath and being a StarSeed
“The Cosmos is within us. We are made of starstuff. The nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our blood, the carbon in our apple pies were made in the interiors of collapsing stars.” Carl Sagan.
We are all starstuff, but some are StarSeeds. Some people never feel like they are actually from “here”. They feel different, uncomfortable, not part of the whole. There is always this desire to “go home” but they don’t know where “home” really is. Most StarSeeds are empaths, but not all.
The basic list of the “Traits of an Empath” that has been circulating the internet for a few years now is fairly straightforward, however, you will see crossover with other areas such as Lightworkers, Indigos, HSPs (Highly Sensitive People or Highly Sensitive Persons), Psychics, Mediums and even aspects that are levels of ascension.
Since all these are going on at the same time, it’s understandable but still frustrating since not all traits point to the same thing.
The long and short of being an empath is “feeling the emotions of others as if they were your own”.
The following list is the one that can be found in some form or another everytime you google “Traits of an Empath”
Keep in mind that once an empath has learned control of their gift, these “traits” aren’t there any more. We can (mostly) handle the bad aspects (including health issues) and we just utilize our gift(s) to help others. Therefore, if you are just now looking at the list of empath traits, but are in control of your gift, try to remember what it was like before you learned that control.
- Feeling others emotions as if they were your own
- Overwhelmed in public places
- Watching violence, cruelty or tragedy on the TV is unbearable
- You know when someone is not being honest
- Digestive disorders and lower back problems
- Always looking out for the underdog
- Others will want to offload their problems on you, even strangers
- Constant fatigue
- Addictive personality
- Drawn to healing, holistic therapies and all things metaphysical
- Creative
- Love of nature and animals
- Need for solitude
- Gets bored or distracted easily if not stimulated
- Finds it impossible to do things they don’t enjoy
- Strives for the truth
- Always looking for the answers and knowledge
- Likes adventure, freedom and travel
- Abhors clutter
- Loves to daydream
- Finds routine, rules or control, imprisoning
- Prone to carry weight without necessarily overeating
- Excellent listener
- Intolerance to narcissism
- The ability to feel the days of the week
- Will not choose to buy antiques, vintage or second-hand
- Sense the energy of food
- Can appear moody, shy, aloof, disconnected
I’m writing this blog because the traits of an empath are different than the listed traits of a StarSeed. As I stated earlier, there are some similarities, but the attempt to categorize an empath as simply a StarSeed is wrong. Not all empaths are StarSeeds and not all StarSeeds are empaths, although I believe most are .
Following is a list of traits of a StarSeed.
- From a young age, you have had an inherent wisdom that usually comes later in life for other people.
- You’ve been told you’re an old soul and you agree. You feel ancient to the core.
- No matter where you are, you always have a feeling of homesickness. You know what home feels like, even if you can’t express it, and you know that your house is not it. This may even lead to depression in some cases.
- Even as a child, you have always felt different. As though you are unique and others cannot understand you.
- You feel divided from the world — As if it is a constant battle of “them” vs. “you.”
- You often feel morally superior to others, regardless of education or social stature.
- Your sense of empathy is overwhelming. You feel different from those around you, however, you have a natural inclination to relate to their struggles. You have the empath gift.
- Your physical body is an enigma to doctors. It functions differently than everyone else’s and the medical world struggles to understand it. This may manifest itself in ways as small as a lower than average body temperature or inability to withstand heat.
- You are incredibly intelligent but bored easily by traditional academics.
- You have had a paranormal or psychic experience. You may have seen a ghost, heard other’s thoughts, had dreams that became reality, etc.
- You feel as though you have a purpose or mission to fulfill, but struggle to find what you want to do with your life. You lack the passion or intrigue to truly devote yourself to one area and understand the banality of life.
- The physical limitations of your body often frustrate you. You feel as though you should be able to do more but are vexed by your restrictions. This is because Starseeds remember far more freedom in their physical form.
- Your dreams are vivid and exceptional, and waking life never seems to measure up. Often, your dreams will seem other worldly — as though your mind has created a completely separate universe.
- Others are often wary of you or feel uncomfortable in your presence. People instinctually know that you are different, but struggle to verbalize why. You may even feel isolated within your own family.
- You have very few friends, but those who are seem to understand you without need of explanation.
- Animals trust you and are naturally drawn to you. You understand them to the point that it feels as though you can communicate.
- The same is true for babies and small children. They find you fascinating and seem mesmerized in your presence.
- You can feel who people are without them ever saying a word. You see beyond the external façade and instinctually know when they are lying.
- You may seem rude in conversations because you know what the other person is going to say before they’ve even started. People think you are disinterested, when in reality you are frustrated by the pace of the conversation.
- You are interested in spirituality but see the divine beyond books and religion. You may not be able to put it into words, but you have a deep understanding that spirituality has always been an intrinsic part of you.
- You are drawn to metaphysics and the science behind other worlds.
- From a young age, you questioned the ways of society and still feel perplexed as to how other’s don’t see its mistakes.
- Though your dreams are exceptional, you’ve always had trouble sleeping.
- You have a natural ability to make others feel better – whether through medicine or your words. Strangers will often open up about their problems without even realizing it.
- People’s first impression of you is often aloof or cold, however, one they get to know you they consider you to be one of the most loving people that they know.
- You avoid large crowds and find it hard to handle people in large doses — even friends. To you, people are overwhelming and their emotions and actions seem chaotic.
- You have an ability to emotionally or spiritually grow much faster than those around you. Your sense of morality keeps you grounded, even when presented with emotions that are difficult for others to handle.
As you can see, there are distinct differences, but one of the listed traits of a StarSeed is actually being an empath. So I ask you, are you an empath and a StarSeed?
(StarSeed trait list source: https://www.gaia.com/article/are-you-starseed
I’m 82% an Empath and 100% a Starseed. I hold back my tears of reality of confirming I am both, overwhelmed but excited at the same time. All my life, always look good in all things, never let any thing or people influence my mission of drawing the good out of people and animals. Sometimes, I feel I am trapped(restricted) to give love to this society on earth. also, my experience I feel many humans on earth are rushing to get no where, aka robots of society. Love is the answer and now the awakening has happened to me, I am on a mission of love, peace and assisting in helping to heal this planet more. Sending light and love to the universe! Today, We are all come from love, having human experiences. I am curious if I had lived many lives on earth, next, on my agenda to find out. Time to learn new skills I am interest in, to keep me from going backwards, travel not on a plan, train or bus, but to travel through my dreams to a high frequency to find my star family.
All my life I’ve had these feelings even I remember as a little girl I would have certain feelings and wonder why up until right now to this day I wondered why until I read this article and I sat here and cried because I knew that was something different about me but I wasn’t sure and now I know I have always been an empath I’m just thankful to know that there is a meaning to all of this I fit every last thing on the impact list amazing Simply Amazing
I have read and re-read trying to find a part that doesn’t fit. Many tears as I realize, I can’t. Now what?
I am Both an Empath and a Blue Ray Starseed.
I’m an Empath.
It’s interesting to see Starseeds have a “lower than average body temperature or inability to withstand heat”, cause I definitely have both of those.
I am definitely an empath, ticked all boxes, a Starseed not sure of I ticked about 3/4 of this list. I haven’t ever looked for an explanation of my behaviour and feelings before, just amazed to realize they confirm what a friend told me, I am an empath, one among many, it’s a relief to learn this.
Thank you for this information.
I am an Empath and a Starseed.
I am Both an Empath and a Starseed.
I am Both