
Difference between fake empaths and real ones

You’ve probably heard someone calling themselves an Empath and describing themselves as over sensitive. But most people who use this term are just hiding behind the terminology. They have been hurt at some point in their life (like we all have) and they try to justify their weakness by...

Difference between being an empath and being a spiritual healer

“And those in the world of Spirit, with joy in their hearts, come to glorify God in Man and Woman, that the creative energies may be given freely, and that all who would be healed and comforted might find counsel. “We have come to you bearing the gifts you...

The difference between being an empath and being an earth angel

“An Earth Angel is a soul with non-Earthly origins. Although all souls originate from the same Divine source, our environment and personal history often shape our personalities and physical characteristics. For instance, those who spend most of their time surfing at tropical beaches will have different looks and mannerisms...

Difference between being an empath and being a StarSeed

“The Cosmos is within us. We are made of starstuff. The nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our blood, the carbon in our apple pies were made in the interiors of collapsing stars.” Carl Sagan. We are all starstuff, but some are StarSeeds....

Difference between being an empath and having clairsentience

“The main difference between an empath and clairsentient is that an empath generally only feels the emotions and energy of the people and the environment around them, whereby a clairsentient will have a good sense of what someone is thinking; they will feel if someone is in danger or...

Difference between being an empath and being a LightWorker

LightWorkers are working diligently to save our planet (and save us from ourselves). Something that comes up all the time in my Empath Support Group are people who take on the pain / sicknesses of others. While this has been mentioned as an empath trait, I believe that it...

Difference between being an empath and being a psychic medium

The basic list of the “Traits of an Empath” that has been circulating the internet for a few years now is fairly straightforward, however, you will see crossover with other areas such as Lightworkers, Indigos, HSPs (Highly Sensitive People or Highly Sensitive Persons), Psychics, Mediums and even aspects that...

The difference between co-dependency and being an empath

  Yes, there are similarities between being an empath and being co-dependent. In this blog, I’m going to address the differences. Codependency Self-Test These are my thoughts in regards to the questions from the test that can be found here (https://www.empathdestiny.com/are-you-a-co-dependent-empath/ ) with the numeric results in the answers. 1....