Empaths and lightworkers need additional help with those emotional lumps in their throat
by Jean Have you ever felt like your voice was trapped in a bubble, and no matter how hard you pushed, you just couldn’t pop through? That’s your throat chakra getting tangled in invisible threads, making it tough to let your inner voice out. It’s more than just having a...
The Empath’s Guide to Clearing and Shielding Your Energy
by DV As an empath, you feel everyone else’s emotions. Your body functions like a vibrational instrument, like a drum vibrating in tune to other people’s thoughts and emotions. As an empath, you also absorb other people’s thoughts and feelings. This is why after you have a conversation with...
Shielding ideas for empaths (and others)
Published with permission from Melanie at Ask-Angels.com...
Coping tips for Empaths
Being an empath can be physically and emotionally draining. Many people are unaware that they’re an empath and do not know how to cope with this ability. Develop Your Shield Body Around your physical body, there is a layer of your aura that is devoted to your interface with...